Special Interest Group (CHI'22):
Mapping FoodHCI Futures
Special Interest Group (SIG) in “foodHCI futures” created a space for researchers to discuss the boundaries of food incorporating HCI, and with the simultaneous aims of reconciling food with technology and extending our visions for human-food interactions towards anthropocentrism. The SIG was a beginning of developing a structured conceptual map of the possibilities for future technology interventions in food systems. We hope to encourage democratized debate, provoke new and divergent thoughts on the opportunities for foodHCI, and ultimately gain unique insights that contribute to preferable food futures.
Jialin Deng, Ferran Altarriba Bertran, Lining Yao, Marianna Obrist, Koya Narumi, Humphrey Yang, Mako Miyatake, and Florian Mueller. 2022. Mapping FoodHCI Futures. CHI EA '22, ACM